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Information on registering to vote, vote by mail/absentee ballot, voting abroad, all 50 states


As November 3rd is upon us, we need the energy focused on registering to vote, requesting absentee ballots, or early voting due to Covid-19.

I will break down what you need to do by State, to request an absentee ballot/mail ballot/vote by mail ballot (so there is zero confusion requesting any one of these type ballot(s), please note these ballot(s) are one and the same, NO DIFFERENCE).  Follow the guidelines of your state, and request your ballot early or be ready for long lines on Election Day.  

Stay and remain vigilant in this process because November 3rd is about ONE THING.  Suppressing your vote.  This is the only way Donald Trump will win re-election.

*Note, some online state portals are not activated yet, for requesting an absentee ballot.  Also, some states are still going through primaries.  Keep checking your state as the election nears.

**Note, since this is an informative diary/blog, I will repost and update as changes come online per state.  Thanks.

***Note, make sure you check that your mailing address is current, absentee ballots/mail ballots/vote by mail ballots are sent to the recent address on file with your registrar’s office.

****Note, please read the information in regards to returning/mailing your absentee ballot.  It must meet the deadline per state, or the ballot will not be counted.

*****Note, please make sure you read your ballot (if voting by mail/absentee) very carefully, follow the instructions, and sign your ballot before mailing it in.  If you don’t follow the instructions the ballot will be rejected.

When and how to vote in all 50 states, a good read here.

Lastly, the post office is under attack by Donald Trump.  When you get your ballot, complete it and mail it back as soon as possible.  If you are close to the date of the election and have not mailed your ballot, follow your state’s protocols and deliver it to your election office/precinct/ward IN PERSON.  This is the reason for the 🚨🚨🚨🚨:


Donald Trump ADMITS why he will not fund the USPS, this is a stunning admission and it is now more than ever imperative that we vote early and massive!!!  🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


The US Postal Service is urging voters to request their November mail-in ballots at least 15 days before the election Additional information on ballot requests and deadlines for all 50 States, here.



Absentee ballot applications must be received in the office of the Absentee Election Manager for your county no later than the 5th day prior to the election.

Deadline for return of absentee ballot(s), Alabama:

An absentee ballot returned by mail must be postmarked no later than the day prior to the election and received by the Absentee Election Manager no later than noon on election day. If hand-delivered, the ballot must be in the office of the Absentee Election Manager by the close of business (but no later than 5 p.m.) on the day prior to the election.”

Meaning:  Absentee/mail voting deadline(s): Nov. 2 (postmarked); Nov. 3 (received)

If voting in person:  Alabama requires voters to present photo identification (ID) while voting. Accepted forms of ID include Alabama driver's licenses, different state-issued IDs, U.S. passports, and Alabama photo voter ID cards.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Register to vote online, here. (For any election, the last day to register to vote or update your voter registration is the 15th day prior to the election.)

Request a voter registration form online, here.

Download the voter registration application, here.

NO EARLY VOTING IN ALABAMA.  Poll times: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Online voter registration, here, deadline informationbelow:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. If this falls on a Sunday, postmarked 31 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day.

Download the voter registration application, here.

Anyone may request a ballot by mail. You do not need a reason!”

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.  (Your application for an absentee/vote by mail ballot must be received 10 days before Election Day.)

Mail your ballot. It must be postmarked on or before Election Day

Early Voting

Early and In-Person absentee voting begins 15 days prior to each Election Day.  Meaning October 19, 2020.

Poll times: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Register to vote and update your information, here, deadline informationbelow:

  • In Person: 29 days before Election Day, or on the next immediate business day if the deadline falls on a legal holiday or weekend.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day, or on the next immediate business day if the deadline falls on a legal holiday or weekend.
  • Online: 29 days before Election Day.

Read and request a vote by mail ballot, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot/vote by mail ballot, Arizona:

Deadline for absentee ballot request is October 23, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

Recommended deadline to mail back your ballot is October 28, 2020.

All ballots including absentee ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m, November 3, 2020.

In Arizona, all polling places are open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Mountain Time.

Early Voting

In-person Early Voting starts October 8, 2020.


In Arkansas, You must fill out a paper Voter Registration Application.”

Information to request a voter registration form online or to download a voter registration form, here, deadline informationbelow:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. If this falls on a Sunday, postmarked 29 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

Read and request an absentee ballot in Arkansas, here.

“All voters in Arkansas may vote by mail using an absentee ballot if they have health concerns due to COVID-19, according to a statement by the Governor. “

Deadline for absentee ballots:

  • In Person: by close of business the day BEFORE the election
  • By Designated Bearer: by 7:30 p.m. ON election day
  • By Mail: received at clerks office by 7:30 p.m. ON election day

    You may NOT fax or email a ballot. UOCAVA voters must vote their ballot by Election Day, and it must be received by their county clerk by 5:00p.m. 10 days after the election.

  • By Authorized Agent: by 7:30 p.m. ON election day

Early Voting

  • Depending on the type of election being conducted, you may early vote during the 7 or 15 days prior to Election Day.  (Early voting starts October 19, 2020 for in-person)
  • In most counties, early voting is conducted at the county clerk’s office.
  • In counties with off-site early voting (a location other than the county clerk’s office), local newspapers will publish the designated sites.
  • During a preferential primary or a general election, early voting is available between the hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, ending at 5 p.m. on the Monday before the election. Off-site early voting hours may vary by county; watch your local newspaper or contact your county clerk for information.
  • Vote at your poll on Election Day from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Register to vote in California, here.  The deadline to register to vote in California is October 19, 2020. Additional deadline information below:

  • In Person: 15 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 15 days before Election Day.

If the voter registration deadline has passed, you can still conditionally register to vote and cast a provisional ballot in person at your County Elections Office at any time up to and including Election Day. Your provisional ballot will be counted when your County Elections Official verifies your voter registration.

All registered voters will receive an absentee ballot per Governor Newsom’s Executive Order, due to Covid-19, so if you live in California make sure you are registered to vote and that your mailing address is current.  Vote by mail information, here.

Absentee Ballot Deadline for California:

Vote by Mail

Request a vote-by-mail ballot by October 27, 2020.

Return by mail—must be postmarked on or before November 3, 2020 and received by your county elections office no later than November 20, 2020.    

Return in person—to your county elections office or any polling place in your county 

Early Voting

Some counties offer early voting at a few locations before Election Day.  In-person early voting starts October 5, 2020.

Contact your county elections office to see if they offer early voting.

County contact information can be found by visiting the Secretary of State’s website at: www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/county-elections-offices.

Polls are open on Election Day: November 3, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Register to vote information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 8 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 8 days before Election Day.

You can register and cast a ballot up through Election Day by appearing in-person at a Voter Service and Polling Center during the Early Voting period or on Election Day. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

Colorado is a Vote By Mail State, check your address status below:

Every voter receives a mail ballot. The ballot will be sent to the mailing address you provided for your voter registration file. To check the address on file, or to make any changes to your voter registration visit www.GoVoteColorado.gov

Information on a vote by mail ballot, here.

Deadline for ballot in Colorado:

Mail ballots must be received by the county clerk and recorder no later than 7:00 PM on Election Day. Voters are encouraged to drop off ballots at designated drop off locations, drop-box locations, or mail their ballots in time to be received by the county clerk before the polls close. Postmarks do not count; ballots must be in the hands of the county clerk by 7:00 PM on Election Day in order to be counted.

Early Voting

Colorado uses a vote-by-mail system exclusively, so there is no need for explicit absentee or early voting procedures, except for those who cannot or do not wish to vote by mail. County clerks and recorders automatically send mail ballots to every elector in active status, starting 18 to 22 days before the election. The last day on which a county clerk can mail a ballot to a voter is eight days before the election. However, since electors can register to vote until the polls close at 7 p.m. on Election Day, there are always some voters that cannot vote by mail ballot. Therefore, Colorado law requires county clerks to open and operate polling locations called Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs) starting 15 days before the election (in-person starts October 19, 2020) through Election Day, excluding Sundays. For primary and November coordinated elections, VSPCs must be open starting 8 days before the election. Eligible voters can visit any VSPC in their county of residence to do any of the following:[5][6]

  • Void their mail ballot to vote in person,
  • Register to vote,
  • Update an existing voter registration record,
  • Obtain a mail ballot "over-the-counter," or
  • Vote in person on paper ballots or accessible voting devices.
  • Poll times: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Register to vote information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 7 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 7 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 7 days before Election Day.

If the voter registration deadline has passed, you can still register to vote in person at a designated Election Day Registration office. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

Absentee ballot information, here.

Connecticut is still going through the primary process, once information is available for the general election, I will update.

No Early Voting in Connecticut.  Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 3rd.

Poll times: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Register to vote information, here.  The last day to register to vote for the General Election is October 10, 2020.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 24 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 24 days before Election Day.
  • Online: The fourth Saturday before Election Day.

Information about the absentee ballot, here.

Request an absentee ballot, here.

All registered voters can request an absentee ballot using the qualification "sick or physically disabled"

Deadline for absentee ballot in Delaware:

All Absentee Ballots must be received by the Department of Elections Office for your county no later than the closing of the polls at 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 3rd.

No early voting in Delaware, early voting is an absentee ballot.

Poll times: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

District of Columbia

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: Election Day, with proof of residency.
  • By Mail: Received 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day.

If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during early voting or on Election Day. Simply go to your regular polling place or early voting site to register and vote. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions. You will need to bring proof of residency, such as a government photo ID, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or pay check that shows your current name and address.

Vote by mail/absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in Washington DC:

Your voted and mailed ballot must be postmarked or otherwise demonstrated to have been sent on or before Election Day, November 3, 2020; and must be arrive no later than the 7th day after Election Day.

Early Voting

Vote Centers for the November 3 General Election will open Tuesday, October 27, 2020, through Monday, November 2, 2020, from 8:30 am - 7:00 pm. 

Polls open on Election Day:  7:00 am – 8:00 pm


Register to vote in Florida, here.  The last day to register to vote is October 5, 2020, for the General Election.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 29 days before Election Day.

Request to vote by mail and deadline information for Florida, here.  

The deadline to request that a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed is no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the election. However, the ballot must still be received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day if the voted ballot is to count. Exceptions exist for overseas military and civilian voters. See Military and Overseas Citizens Voting for further information.

A returned voted ballot must be received by the Supervisor of Elections’ office no later than 7 p.m. (local time) on Election Day. Other return options are available for Military and Overseas Voters under certain circumstances. The United States Postal Service recommends that domestic nonmilitary voters, mail back their voted ballots at least 1 week before the Election Day deadline to account for any unforeseen events or weather issues. The Federal Voting Assistance Program provides recommended earlier timelines for absent military and overseas voters.

Vote-by-mail ballots may also be returned at secure drop boxes at Supervisor of Elections' main and branch offices and early voting sites in your county. Please contact your Supervisor of Elections or visit their website for the location of all vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in the county.

Early Voting

Early voting is required in any election that contains a state or federal office race. The early voting period must start at least on the 10th day before the election and end on the 3rd day before the election. In addition, supervisors of elections have the option to offer more early voting on the 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th, 11th, or 2nd day before an election.  In-person early voting starts October 24, 2020.

Polls open Election Day:  7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


“The State of Georgia allows absentee voting by mail and in-person.  No excuse is required to vote before election day.”

Register to vote information, here.  The last day to register to vote in Georgia is October 5, 2020.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day.
  • Online: The fifth Monday before Election Day

Vote by mail or absentee ballot information, here.

Georgia law allows for absentee by mail ballots to be requested up to 180 days before an election.  To request an absentee ballot, voters should complete an absentee ballot application and return the absentee ballot application to their county registration office.  Absentee ballot applications can be returned by mail, fax, email (as an attachment), or in-person to the local County Board of Registrar’s Office.”

Deadline information for Georgia:

Mail your completed ballot. For voters within the country, all absentee ballots must arrive at your county election office by Election Day, November 3rd. If you're currently a military or overseas voter and you post your absentee ballot on Election Day, make sure it arrives within 3 days.

Early Voting

Early Voting starts Octorber 12, 2020

Information is forthcoming 

Poll open Election Day: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Register to vote information, here.  The last day to register to vote for the November General Election is October 5, 2020.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day.

If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during early voting at early walk-in locations and on Election Day at your polling place. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

The State of Hawaii passed Act 136, SLH 2019, implementing elections by mail beginning with the 2020 Elections.

All properly registered voters will automatically receive a mail ballot packet approximately 18 days prior to the election.

More information, here.

Deadline information for absentee/vote by mail ballot for Hawaii:

Voters may return their ballot by mail or in-person at a designated place of deposit. Voted ballots must be received by the Clerk's Office by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

  • By mail: Voters should mail their voted ballot 3-5 days before the election to ensure that the Clerk's Office receives it by the deadline. The return envelope is postage paid via the U.S. Postal Service and addressed to your Clerk’s Office.
  • Voter Service Center or Place of Deposit: Voters may visit any voter service center or place of deposit within their county to drop off their voted ballot.
  • Clerk's Office: Voters may return their voted ballot directly to their Clerk's Office.

In-person early voting starts October 24, 2020.

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-6PM


Voter information here.  Voter registration form, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 24 days before Election Day. If you miss this deadline, you may also register on Election Day. (You must show proof of residence to register at the polls on Election Day.)
  • By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 25 days before Election Day.

If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during early voting or on Election Day. Simply go to your regular polling place or early voting site to register and vote. You will need to show proof of residence and a photo ID. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

Absentee ballot information, here.  All ballots must be received on November 3rd by 8PM.

Early Voting

October 19, 2020:  Early Voting Begins: For those counties that choose to conduct early voting. [§34-1012, Idaho Code]

October 30, 2020:  In-Person Absentee/Early Voting Ends: At 5 p.m. — for the General Election. [§34-1002(7) and §34-1012, Idaho Code]

Poll times for election day:  8AM-8PM


Voter registration information, form here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 27 days before Election Day, after which you may register during the early voting period through Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 16 days before Election Day.

You can also register in person (and vote) at your local elections office during the "grace period." The grace period starts 27 days before Election Day and ends on Election Day. Grace Period Voting does NOT take place at your regular polling place. Grace Period Voting almost always happens at your Local Election Office. Contact your Local Election Office for more information.

Information on deadline dates for Illinois absentee ballot requests:

Voting by mail is an option for voters to cast their ballot prior to Election Day. Voters can request a vote by mail ballot through the mail or in person.

The first day to file an application for a vote by mail ballot with the Election Authority is 6/16/2020.

All requests by mail must be received by the Election Authority by 10/29/2020.

All in-person early voting requests must be made by 11/2/2020.

Additional provisions and requirements apply to Military and Overseas Citizens.

Deadline for absentee ballot in Illinois:

Any vote by mail ballot must be placed into the certification envelope provided. The certification on the envelope must be completed, signed, and the envelope sealed. Mailed ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, November 3rd,  and must be received within 14 days of the election. All vote by mail ballots are processed centrally.

Information on Vote by Mail, here.

Early Voting

October 19, 2020:  First day of early voting for counties who have early voting at permanent polling places other than the office of the election authority

November 2, 2020:  Last day for early voting

Poll time for Election day:  6AM-7PM


Information to register to vote and Vote by Mail, here.  The last day to register to vote in Indiana is October 5, 2020.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 29 days before Election Day.

Request an absentee ballot, here.

Deadline information for Indiana:

County election officials must receive an absentee-by-mail ballot not later than noon (local prevailing time) on Election Day, November 3, 2020. County election officials must have possession of the ballot by this deadline; postmarks – even if dated on or before the date of the election – cannot be considered timely.

Early Voting

Voting early in-person is available from October 6, 2020 to November 2, 2020.  All registered Indiana voters are eligible to vote early in-person. Contact your County Clerk’s office to find locations and hours for early voting.

Polls open Election Day:  6AM-6PM


Voter registration information/form, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 10 days before Election Day. If you miss the deadline, you can also register to vote in-person during early vote or on Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day or received 10 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 10 days before Election Day.

If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during early voting or on Election Day. Simply go to your regular polling place or early voting site to register and vote. You should bring valid photo ID and, if the ID does not list your current address, also proof of residence. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

Information on Vote by Mail, here.

Deadline information on an absentee ballot for Iowa:

Requesting a ballot:  The request form must be received in the county auditor's office by 5 p.m. on the Friday, eleven days before the election. If the request is for the general election, the deadline to request a ballot by mail is the Saturday, ten days before the election.

Returning your ballot deadline:

You can return your voted absentee ballot by mail. Absentee ballots received in the county auditor's office by the time the polls close on election day are eligible for counting. Absentee ballots received after the polls close on election day must be postmarked by the Monday before election day or earlier and received in the county auditor's office no later than noon on the Monday following the election. For school and some city and special elections, the return deadline may be earlier. Read the instructions sent with the ballot.

8/5/20 UPDATE:  Iowa Governor Restores Felon Voting Rights

Early Voting

You may cast an absentee ballot in person at your county auditor's office before any election.  In-person early voting October 5-November 2, 2020.

You must vote your absentee ballot at the auditor's office. You cannot take the ballot home with you.

Polls open Election Day:  7AM-9PM


Voter registration form, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 21 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day.

Last day to register to vote in Kansas is October 13, 2020.

Absentee/Vote By Mail information below:

Kansas allows voters to cast their ballots through advance voting. Any registered voter can vote by mail or in-person prior to Election Day. To vote by mail, voters should contact their county election officer and request an advance ballot application. Advance ballots are mailed to voters starting 20 days before the election and must be post-marked on or before Election Day and received no later than three days after the election. Voters can also hand-deliver their advance ballot to the county election office or any polling location within their county by the close of polls on Election Day. Kansas voters may also vote in person at the county election office starting the Tuesday before Election Day, or up to 20 days before the election, depending on the county. Voters who are ill, disabled or not proficient in English may receive assistance in applying for and casting advance ballots.

In-person voting begins October 14th.  Deadline for reciept of advanced/absentee ballot is November 6th.  Must be postmarked on or before election day, November 3, 2020.

Vote by Mail application, here.  (also called advanced voting by mail)  Send your request to your county election office on the form, listings at the bottom.  Any questions, call your county election office.

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM


Deadline to register to vote, October 5, 2020.

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 29 days before Election Day.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot request information, here:  elect.ky.gov/…

There is still no update on absentee ballot request or vote by mail on the Kentucky State Board of Elections website for the November 3rd, General Election.  I will check often, but this should be out there by now.  elect.ky.gov/...

More information on Absentee Voting in Kentucky, everyone keep an eye on this:

Adams weighs scaling back mail-in voting eligibility for Kentucky's 2020 general election

7/31/20 (UPDATE)

More absentee voting likely for general election, Adams says

8/11/20 UPDATE

Adams: Less absentee voting, more early voting, more polling locations

All ballots must be received by November 3, 2020, 6PM

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-6PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 20 days before Election Day.

Vote by Mail information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot for Louisiana:

Voted ballots must be received by your parish registrar of voters by 4:30 p.m. CST on the day before election day, November 2, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 20-27, 2020.

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 21 business days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

*If you register to vote within 21 days of an election, including on election day, you must appear in person to register at the municipal registrar in order to register. Photo ID and proof of residence is required. Contact your Local Election Office with any questions.

Absentee ballot information, below:

“Absentee ballots may be requested beginning 3 months before Election Day, and until the 3rd business day prior to the election, unless special circumstances exist. Make your request early to allow enough time for the ballot to be mailed to you.”

Vote by mail information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Maine:

To be counted, voted absentee ballots must be received by the municipal clerk by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 22-29, 2020.

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: 21 days before Election Day. You may also register during early voting or on Election Day with proof of address. See Election Day registration instructions.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day.

*You can register to vote in-person during early voting and on Election Day. You will need to bring your MVA-issued license, ID card, or change of address card, or a paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other government document that has your name and current address.

Vote by Mail information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Maryland:

  • Hand deliver your ballot. You must deliver it to your local board of elections by 8 pm on election day, or you may take it to an early voting center or a polling place by the time the polls close.
  • Mail your ballot. If you mail your voted ballot, make sure that the envelope is postmarked on or before general election day (November 3, 2020). Your voted ballot must be received by your local board of elections by 10 am on November 13, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 22-29, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: 20 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 20 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 20 days before Election Day.

Vote by Mail information, here.

Voting by mail is available to all voters for all elections in 2020. You do not need an excuse to vote by mail this year.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Massachusettes:

For the State Election, if you're mailing your ballot, it needs to be postmarked by November 3rd and it must reach your local election office by November 6th. If you're hand-delivering your State Election ballot to your local election office or dropping it in a drop-box, it needs to be returned by 8 p.m. EST on November 3, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 17-30, 2020.

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • Election Day at your city or township clerk office. The voter registration deadline is 15 days before Election Day, if you submit an application form through a voter registration drive or deliver it to a county clerk or secretary of state office.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 15 days before Election Day.

*If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during early voting or on Election Day. If you plan to register in person within 14 days of Election Day, you will need to present proof of residency. To register under these rules, Contact your Local Election Office with any questions.

All registered voters are eligible to vote by mail

Due to the passage of the statewide ballot proposal 18-3, all eligible and registered voters in Michigan may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason.

Check your voter registration  at Michigan Voter Information Center Michigan.gov/Vote

Vote by Mail information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Michigan:

After receiving your absent voter ballot, you have until 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020, to complete the ballot and return it to the clerk's office. 

No Early Voting in Michigan.

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day.

*If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time during the in-person absentee voting period or on Election Day. Simply go to your regular in-person absentee voting site -- or to your regular polling place -- to register and vote. You should bring valid ID and, if the ID does not list your current name and address, also proof of residence. Contact your Local Election Office if you have any questions.

Vote by Mail\Absentee ballot request, here.

To vote by mail, apply to have an absentee ballot mailed to you. You do not need to be registered to apply.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts September 18, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration deadline is October 5th.

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail\Absentee ballot information, here.

No Early Voting in Mississippi.

Poll time for Election Day:  7AM-7PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 27 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 27 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 27 days before Election Day.

Vote by Mail\Absentee ballot request, here:  www.sos.mo.gov/…

Please read below qualifications for absentee ballot for the State of Missouri, because they don’t make it easy:

Registered Missourians who expect to be prevented from going to their polling place on Election Day may vote absentee beginning six weeks prior to an election.

Absentee voters must provide one of the following reasons for voting absentee:

  1. Absence on Election Day from the jurisdiction of the election authority in which such voter is registered to vote;
  2. Incapacity or confinement due to illness or physical disability, including a person who is primarily responsible for the physical care of a person who is incapacitated or confined due to illness or disability;
  3. Religious belief or practice;
  4. Employment as an election authority, as a member of an election authority, or by an election authority at a location other than such voter's polling place;
  5. Incarceration, provided all qualifications for voting are retained.
  6. Certified participation in the address confidentiality program established under sections 589.660 to 589.681 because of safety concerns.
  7. For an election that occurs during the year 2020, the voter has contracted or is in an at-risk category for contracting or transmitting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID-19).

Voters who are considered at-risk for contracting or transmitting COVID-19 are those who:

  • Are 65 years of age or older;
  • Live in a long-term care facility licensed under Chapter 198, RSMo.;
  • Have chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma;
  • Have serious heart conditions;
  • Are immunocompromised;
  • Have diabetes;
  • Have chronic kidney disease and are undergoing dialysis; or
  • Have liver disease.

Voters can request absentee ballots from their local election authority in person, by mail, by fax or by e-mail. Relatives within the second degree (spouse, parents and children) may complete an absentee ballot application, in person, on behalf of the voter who wishes to vote absentee. DO NOT SEND ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE. ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS MUST BE SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE LOCAL ELECTION AUTHORITY BY THE DEADLINE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. Contact information for local election authorities and an absentee ballot application form may be found at the links below.


For all 2020 elections, any registered Missouri voter can apply for a mail-in ballot and vote by mail. Note: Generally Missouri mail-in ballot voters will be required to submit a notarized statement with their ballot; however in limited instances, including for voters who have contracted or are at-risk of contracting COVID-19 because of specific health concerns, a voter may cast a mail-in ballot without notarization.

Ballots must be received by close of polls on November 3, 2020.

No Early Voting in Missouri

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-7PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. Received 27 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

*If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote at your county election office through close of polls on Election Day, except between noon and 5:00 p.m. the day before the election. You'll have to register at the office of your Local Election Office -- not at a polling place. Contact your Local Election Office for questions about the process. Photo ID or proof or residency is required.

Any registered voter may vote by absentee ballot.

Absentee ballots for federal/state elections are mailed to eligible voters 25 days before election day.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Montana:

Absentee ballots must be received at the election office or polling place by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 4, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 11 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 18 days before Election Day. Received 14 days before Election Day, if there's an illegible postmark.
  • Online: 18 days before Election Day

July 6, 2020:  The first day to accept early voting ballot request(s) for the general election.
September 28, 2020:  Early voting ballots begin to be mailed out.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Nebraska:

All Early Voting ballots, whether personally delivered, delivered by agent, delivered by mail or other carriers must arrive at the county election official's office by the closing of the polls on Election Day, November 3, 2020 (8:00 pm Central Time /  7:00 pm Mountain Time).

Early Voting

In-person early voting October 5, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  8AM-8PM CST; 7AM-7PM MST


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 5 days before Election Day

*You may register to vote in-person at the polling place either during early voting or on Election Day. You must show a valid Nevada driver’s license or identification card at the polls to vote. If the identification does not have your current address, you must also show proof of residency .

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information:

Any registered voter may request to vote by mail. To request an absentee ballot, you must complete and submit an Absent Ballot Request Form to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters in the county where you are registered to vote. If you are a resident of Clark County, you may obtain the form from their website at http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/vote.

Additional information, here.

Deadline for an absentee ballot here for Nevada:

A request to vote an absent ballot must be received by your local county election official no later than 5 p.m. on the fourteenth calendar day preceding an election. However, absent ballot requests should be submitted as early as possible to allow enough time to receive, mark, and return your absent ballot by the deadline. If returned in person, absent ballots must be dropped off by 7 p.m. on Election Day.  If returned by mail, absent ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, November 3, 2020.   Absent ballots that are postmarked by Election Day and received no later than 7 days after the election will be counted.

Update on absentee ballots in Nevada, 8/2/20:

Nevada passes bill to mail all voters ballots amid pandemic

State lawmakers passed a bill Sunday that would add Nevada to a growing list of states that will mail all active voters ballots ahead of the November election amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The bill now heads to Gov. Steve Sisolak. If he signs it as expected, Nevada will join seven states that plan on automatically sending voters mail ballots, including California and Vermont, which moved earlier this summer to adopt automatic mail ballot policies.

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 17-30, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM

New Hampshire

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: Election Day. Before Election Day, the last day to register is the last meeting of the Supervisors of the Checklist. The supervisors meet once, 6-13 days before Election Day. Check your town/city website, or call your clerk's office for the date, time, and location of the Supervisor's meeting.
  • By Mail: Received between 6 and 13 days before Election Day, depending on which town you live in.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in New Hampshire:

Absentee ballots delivered through the mail or by the voter’s delivery agent shall be received by the town, city or wardclerk no later than 5:00 PM on the day of the election, November 3, 2020.

No early voting in New Hampshire

Polls open Election Day:  6AM-7PM (varies by county)

New Jersey

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 21 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in New Jersey:

If returning your Mail-in-Ballot in person it must be received by the County Board of Elections before close of polls on Election Day.  If returning your Mail-in-Ballot by mail, it must be postmarked no later than Election Day, November 3, 2020, and received by the County Board of Elections no later than 48 hours after the time of the closing of the polls for the election.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts September 19, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-8PM

New Mexico

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: Saturday before Election Day at the county clerk's office. 28 days before Election Day otherwise.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day. However, an application may be accepted through the Friday following the deadline if the application is postmarked before the deadline.
  • Online: 28 days before Election Day

*N/A. New Mexico will begin same-day registration in 2021.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in New Mexico:

Ballots must be returned to the county clerk or voter’s precinct by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day to be counted (Section 1-6-10 (B), NMSA 1978).

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 17-31, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM

New York

Voter registration information,here.  Deadline information here:

  • In Person: 25 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day. Received 20 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 25 days before Election Day

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in New York:


DateDeadline Information
October 27Last day to postmark an application or letter of application by mail for an absentee ballot.
November 2Last day to apply IN-PERSON for absentee ballot.
November 3Last day to postmark ballot. Must be received by the local board of elections no later than Nov. 10th. Military Voter Ballots must be received no later than Nov. 16th.
November 3Last day to deliver ballot IN-PERSON to the local board of elections (by someone other than the voter).

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 26-November 3, 2020

Polls open Election Day:  6AM-9PM

North Carolina

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: The Saturday before Election Day if voting early in person. Otherwise 25 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day. If the postmark is missing or unclear, the application will still be processed if it is Received 20 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 25 days before Election Day

*If an individual becomes qualified to vote between the registration deadline (the 25th day before Election Day) and Election Day, then the individual may apply to register on Election Day by submitting an application to: a member of the county board of elections, the county director of elections, or the chief judge or a judge of the precinct in which the person is eligible to vote. If the application is approved, the individual may vote the same day. This applies to those individuals who recently become naturalized citizens of the U.S. or who have restored to citizenship after a felony conviction, but it does not apply to individuals who were 17 years old and reach 18 after the registration deadline.

Information on Absentee ballot/Vote by Mail below:

Any North Carolina registered voter qualified to vote in an election may request and receive a mail-in absentee ballot for any election in which absentee voting is allowed. All registered voters may request an absentee ballot for the November 2020 general election.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in North Carolina:

  • For civilian absentee voters, once the Absentee Application and Certificate is completed with all relevant signatures, the voted ballot (placed inside the container-return envelope) must be returned to the county board of elections no later than 5 p.m. on Election Day.
  • Absentee ballots received after 5 p.m. on Election Day will be timely only if they are received by mail no later than 5 p.m. on the third day following the date of the election, and postmarked on or before Election Day.
  • The envelope may be mailed or delivered in person to the county board of elections office or an open early voting site during the early voting period.
  • Only the voter or the voter’s near relative may possess the absentee ballot to return it to the board of elections.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts October 14, 2020

Polls open on Election Day: 6:30 AM-7:30 PM

North Dakota

Voter registration information:  North Dakota has no voter registration, read here.

  • In Person: North Dakota does not have voter registration. You simply need to bring valid proof of ID and residency to the polls in order to vote.
  • By Mail: North Dakota does not have voter registration. You simply need to bring valid proof of ID and residency to the polls in order to vote.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in North Dakota:

Whether you vote absentee or by mail ballot your return envelope must be postmarked no later than the day before the election. If you are unable to meet this deadline then you will have to go to your appropriate polling place on Election Day to cast your ballot.  Deadline for returning Mail in Ballots (postmarked) is November 2, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts October 19, 2020

Polls open Election Day:  Open between 7 AM-9 AM and Close between 7 PM-9 PM 


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day, extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day, extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day

Absentee Ballot/Vote by Mail information below:

All Ohio voters whose registration information is up-to-date have the opportunity to vote in any election from the convenience of their own homes by requesting an absentee ballot. Absentee voting has many benefits -- You can vote early, it is convenient, it reduces the chance of lines at the polls on Election Day, and absentee ballots are the first votes counted on Election Night. Voters need only fill out and return an application and their absentee ballot will be mailed to them so they may make their selections at their leisure and return their ballot to the board of elections ahead of Election Day. 

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Ohio:

To make sure your absentee ballot is counted, it must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day or be postmarked by the day before Election Day.  Mail in ballots must be postmarked by November 2, 2020.

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 6-November 2, 2020

Polls open Election Day:  6:30 AM — 7:30 PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 25 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Oklahoma:

If your absentee ballot is mailed to you, you must return it to the county election board by mail. An absentee ballot must be received by the county election board before 7 p.m. on election day, November 3, 2020, to be counted. Standard absentee ballots may also be delivered in-person to your county election board during regular business hours. Ballots delivered by hand must be returned no later than the end of business hours on the day before the election. Only standard absentee ballots may be returned in-person, and the voter must show proper identification. Those who request absentee ballots under the special conditions listed below for those who are physically incapacitated or care for physically incapacitated persons who cannot be left alone may only return their ballots by mail.

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 29, 2020

Poll opens Election Day:  7AM-7PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 21 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day

Oregon is a Vote by Mail state, the information here.

Deadline information for Vote by Mail ballot in Oregon:

The voted ballot must be received in any county election office or designated drop site by 8:00 p.m. on election night, November 3, 2020.  Postmarks do not count.

No Early Voting in Oregon

Oregon is an all-mail state, ballots must be turned in by 8PM PST, November 3, 2020


Deadline Alert: 10/19/2020 is the last day to register before the 11/03/2020 election.

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 15 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 15 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 15 days before Election Day

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Mail-in and absentee ballot applications for the November 3, 2020, general election must be received by your county election office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

Deadline information for Vote by Mail/Mail-in-Ballot(s) in Pennsylvania:

8 pm November 3, 2020 - VOTED BALLOTS must be RECEIVED by your county election office - postmarks are not enough

No early voting in Pennsylvania

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM

Rhode Island

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. If the postmark is missing or unclear and the registration form is received no later than 5 days after the deadline, the individual shall be presumed to have been registered by the deadline.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day

*You may register in person on Election Day at your local Board of Canvassers but only for Presidential elections.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Rhode Island:

All mail ballots must be received by the State Board of Elections at 2000 Plainfield Pike Cranston, RI 02921 by 8:00 P.M. the night of the election, November 3, 2020.

No early voting in Rhode Island

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM

South Carolina

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day. If this falls on a Sunday, the last preceeding day that the county board of voter registration and elections is open.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day, the deadline is extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in South Carolina:

Vote the ballot following ballot instructions and return it to the county voter registration office in your county of residence by 7:00 p.m. on the day of the election, November 3, 2020.  You may return the ballot personally or by mail.  You may also have another person return the ballot for you, but you must first complete an authorization to return absentee ballot form, available from your county voter registration office.

No early voting in South Carolina

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM

South Dakota

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 15 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 15 days before Election Day.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in South Dakota:

In South Dakota, the County Election Official must receive your application for absentee ballot no later than 5 p.m. the day before the election. Your voted ballot MUST be received by your County Election Official on Election Day, November 3, 2020, in enough time to deliver your ballot to your voting precinct before the polls close. Make sure you are registered before you apply to vote by absentee ballot. You can confirm your registration by visiting the Voter Information Portal.

Early Voting

In-person early voting September 18, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day. If this falls on a Sunday, 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day, the deadline is extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: 30 days before Election Day

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Pursuant to the June 4, 2020 Order of the Davidson County Chancery Court, if you are a registered voter and do not wish to vote in-person due to the COVID-19 situation, you are eligible to request an absentee ballot by mail. You also have the option to vote in-person during early voting or on Election Day.

Deadline information for an absentee ballot in Tennessee:

  1. What is the deadline to return my ballot so it can be counted?

    You must mail your ballot in time for your county election commission to receive it no later than the close of polls on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

  2. Can I hand deliver my ballot to the election office?

    No. You must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.).

UPDATE, 8/6/20

BREAKING: The Tennessee Supreme Court just ruled that every eligible voter with underlying medical conditions placing them at risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, and those caring for people with underlying illness, can vote by mail.

Let. People. Vote. By. Mail.

Early Voting

in-person early voting, October 14-29, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  Check your county it varies


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 30 days before Election Day. If this falls on a Sunday, 29 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day, the deadline is extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: N/A

Vote by mail in Texas is still being battled in the courts due to Covid-19, read here.

7/6/20> More information on voting by mail for the primaries in Texas, Supreme Court struck down the Democrats request, this could possibly be revisited for the General Election in November.  Read, here.  In the meantime, voting by mail information for the State of Texas is below.

Current information on Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information is here.

UPDATE 7/27/20:

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a Proclamation extending the early voting period for the November 3rd Election by nearly a week. Under this proclamation, early voting by personal appearance will begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and continue through Friday, October 30, 2020. The proclamation also expands the period in which marked mail-in ballots may be delivered in person to the early voting clerk’s office, allowing such delivery prior to as well as on Election Day.

"As we respond to COVID-19, the State of Texas is focused on strategies that preserve Texans’ ability to vote in a way that also mitigates the spread of the virus," said Governor Abbott. "By extending the early voting period and expanding the period in which mail-in ballots can be hand-delivered, Texans will have greater flexibility to cast their ballots, while at the same time protecting themselves and others from COVID-19."

Ballot(s) postmarked by November 3, 2020.

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM


Voter registration and absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 7 days before Election Day in clerk's office, but may also register during early vote and on Election Day.However, individuals must vote by provisional ballot if they: (i) register online or in person between 7 and 14 days before Election Day, (ii) register during early voting, or (iii) register on Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day, the deadline is extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: 7 days before Election Day

*An individual who is not registered to vote may register to vote, and vote, on election day or during the early voting period described in Section 20A-3-601, by voting a provisional ballot, if:

  1. the individual is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot;
  2. the ballot is identical to the ballot for the precinct in which the individual resides;
  3. the information on the provisional ballot form is complete; and
  4. the individual provides valid voter identification and proof of residence to the poll worker.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts October 20, 2020

Ballots must be received by November 3, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: Election Day (you must show proof of residence to register at the polls on Election Day).
  • By Mail: Received Election Day.
  • Online: Election Day. But if you register online the day before or on Election Day, your application may not be processed and your name may not appear on the checklist and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist, please register by the Friday before the election.

*You can register to vote on Election Day at your polling place. You must show proof of residence to register at the polls on Election Day.

Vote by mail/absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in Vermont:

All early voter absentee ballot requests must be submitted by 5 p.m. or by the close of the town clerk’s office on the day before the election.

All ballots must be returned to the town clerk’s office before the close of the office on the day before the election, or to the polling place before 7 p.m. on the day of the election, in order to be counted.

Early Voting

in-person early voting starts September 19, 2020


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 22 days before Election Day. If this day falls on a Sunday, 21 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 22 days before Election Day, the deadline is extended to the next business day if this falls on a Sunday.
  • Online: 22 days before Election Day

Vote by mail/absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in Virginia:

Carefully review the instructions to complete and return your ballot to your local registrar by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. If you are returning your ballot by-mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day, November 3, 2020, and received by your registrar by noon on the third day after the election.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts September 19, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  6AM-7PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: Election Day.
  • By Mail: Received 8 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 8 days before Election Day

*Individuals may register to vote in their county auditor's office, the division of elections if in a separate city from the county auditor's office, a voting center, or other location designated by the county auditor in his or her county of residence no later than 8:00pm on the day of the primary, special election, or general election. The registration process and requirements for registering on Election Day are the same as for filling out a paper registration form or the online form.

Washington is a Vote by Mail state, read here.

Deadline information:

October 16Start of 18-day voting period (through Election Day). Ballots are mailed out and Accessible Voting Units (AVUs) are available at voting centers.
October 26Online and mail registrations must be received 8 days before Election Day. Register to vote in person during business hours and any time before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

November 3General Election - Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

West Virginia

Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 21 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 21 days before Election Day

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in West Virginia:

After receiving an absentee ballot, the voter may simply vote and return the ballot to the County Clerk in the appropriate envelopes as soon as possible (or by hand delivery at the Clerk’s office).

Unless a voter is a military or overseas voter, the ballot must be mailed and postmarked by Election Day, November 3, 2020; and received by the start of Canvass.

For hand-delivery, absentee ballots must be delivered to the County Clerk's office by the day before Election Day. Although voters do not have to personally return his or her absentee ballot, no one person may deliver more than two voters' absentee ballots.

Early Voting

In-person early voting, October 21-31, 2020

Polls open Election Day:  6:30AM-7:30PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: The Friday before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked the 3rd Wednesday before Election Day.
  • Online: 20 days before Election Day

*Individuals may register to vote in person at your polling place on Election Day. All individuals must provide both a proof of residency document and proof of identification to register on election Day.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in Wisconsin:

Your completed absentee ballot must be delivered no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020.  The U.S. Postal Service recommends absentee ballots be mailed one week before Election Day to arrive in time.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts October 20, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-8PM


Voter registration information, here.  Deadline information below:

  • In Person: 14 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: Postmarked 14 days before Election Day. After this date, individuals may register to vote by mail if their registration is also accompanied by an absentee ballot request.
  • Online: N/A


  • Wyoming does not accept the National Voter Registration Form so please do not use our Register to Vote Tool to register to vote in Wyoming.
  • Wyoming prefers that people register to vote in person at the County Clerk's office.
  • If this isn't possible, print out the Wyoming Voter Registration form and fill it out in front of a notary. That part is really important! Your Wyoming Voter Registration Form MUST be notarized. Print clearly, using a black or blue ink pen (not felt tip).
  • Sign the voter registration oath on the form and have the notary or registered agent sign the form.
  • Make copies of the identification documents you showed to the notary.
  • Mail the voter registration form, along with the copies of your ID documents, to your County Clerk. Note: Sending your form to any other office will delay your voter registration.
  • Mail your form as soon as possible. Voter registration closes two weeks prior to Election Day.
  • Follow up with your County Clerk about any questions you may have about your registration or requests for absentee ballots.

Vote by Mail/Absentee ballot information, here.

Deadline information for absentee ballot return in Wyoming:

All Absentee ballots must be received in the county clerk's office no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Ballots arriving after the deadline will not be counted.

Early Voting

In-person early voting starts September 19, 2020

Polls open on Election Day:  7AM-7PM

Information for U.S. Citizens on voting from abroad

Do you live abroad?  Out of the United States?  Are you a citizen of the United States?  You can still vote from abroad.  You can register and request your ballot at the same time, read here.  All the information you need is here.


As I stated previously, I will keep an eye on this blog and update it as needed.

Pass this information on to everyone that needs to register to vote and vote safely during the time of Covid-19.

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