10 States DYING for healthcare
The irony is that of the 10 states, most are in the South. Nine of the ten governors are Republicans and going on record not to implement the Affordable Healthcare Act.This coming from Governor Bobby...
View Article10 States DYING for healthcare
The irony is that of the 10 states, most are in the South. Nine of the ten governors are Republicans and going on record not to implement the Affordable Healthcare Act.This coming from Governor Bobby...
View ArticleSome of the DUMBEST GOP Governors we will ever witness in our lifetime
I can not write about this enough because the constituents of these states need to WAKE THE HELL UP and put the pressure on these inept individuals who have the gall to be called "Governor".I don't...
View ArticlePlease, call it the way it is, Mitt Romney used racist rhetoric at the NAACP...
This is what the proud, Mitt Romney said after his NAACP diatribe:"If they want more free stuff from the government, tell them to go vote for the other guy....." Yes, the THEY are the African-Americans...
View ArticleWanna get Mitt Romney?
Rachel Maddow just showed a mashup of HOW TO GET HIM and HOLD HIM:AWWWWW, YEAH....
View ArticleThere is only ONE ad that the Obama Campaign need to create
...and it is all about Mitt Romney answering this one question...."If you are not releasing your tax returns, did you pay taxes for the last 15 years?"The reason for this question is made by Brian...
View ArticleEveryone, this is how it is going to be and Mitt Romney knows it
Many on here get wrapped up about polls and it is good conversation, but the reality is that polls are a snapshot of the moment.National polls which these cable desk clerks always shout about means...
View ArticleJoe Scarborough blows a gasket as Carl Bernstein calls out Romney's weakness...
Carl Bernstein on morning joe this morning did not back down his analysis of Mitt Romney. He stated that Romney will never move to the middle because he is dictated by the Tea Party. He also, called...
View ArticleMitt, "Everything Ann and I earned, we earned the old fashioned way." (Video)
But the reality is that they DID NOT.Mitt and Ann Romney lived on STOCKS from his father while going to HARVARD. OK? Bought a $42,000 home, which they sold for $90,000, during this time.Again, who...
View ArticleObama up 50% in CO, IA and WI (NBC/WSJ/Marist Poll)
Seriously, how can Mitt ROBBED ME really think he can NOT campaign and win a presidency?Anyway, here:President Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney in Colorado, Iowa and Wisconsin, reaching the key 50...
View ArticleRomney & Ryan: This is what you get when you threaten Seniors Medicare,...
Evaporation in the poll numbers. Based on new polling by Reuters/Ipsos the 20 point cushion that the Romney and Ryan had is blown.New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks -...
View ArticleEarly Voting Information, direct links to SoS of all States (Pass this link...
As First Lady Michelle Obama stated so eloquently about voting rights, it is up to US to make sure people have the information and ready to go to the polls....Transcript
View ArticleMitt Romney did ONE THING last night, saved his money train....(Full Debate...
for now.We all agree that the moderator, Jim Lehrer of PBS was off his game in that job. I, for one, admire Lehrer over the years as a presidential debate moderator but let us be clear, he need not...
View Article8 yr old tells Mitt Romney, "you find something else to cut off", NOT Sesame...
Talk about a GROUCH!!
View ArticleThe difference between President Obama and Mitt Romney is in ONE GRAPHIC...
Enjoy, and I LOVE that PBS is being defended!! While the Romney Campaign doubles down against Sesame Street and PBS. Don't he need WOMEN VOTES? Not getting it THIS WAY....
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